NOTE: Members have also contributed to ATEE conferences in general and to other RDC sessions - for example, by presenting papers in parallel sessions related to a conference theme or the work of those RDCs, rather than to science and mathematics education. Such papers are not listed here.
46th ANNUAL CONFERENCE: RIGA 2022 [hybrid]
[The list of relevant papers is being compiled.]
[The list of relevant papers is being compiled.]
Derek Maher and Aibhín Bray, Please don't forget me! Transition Year Mathematics - the forgotten middle child?
Derek Maher and Aibhín Bray, Please don't forget me! Transition Year Mathematics - the forgotten middle child?
45th ANNUAL CONFERENCE: WARSAW 2021 [online, postponed from 2020]
Lorraine Harbison, Maurice OReilly, Paul Grimes and Mary Kingston, Extending the agenda in primary mathematics pre-service teacher education: Preparing and equipping with competencies to lead
Rosanne Hebing, Embedding computational thinking in Dutch primary teacher education
Mairead Holden, Lesson study: A vehicle to support teacher agency
Kalina Jastrzębowska, Diving deep: The scientific method in the online elementary classroom
Elizabeth Oldham, Aibhín Bray, Melanie Ní Dhuinn and Jennifer Liston, An analysis of undergraduate mathematicians’ reactions and reflections about issues in mathematics education
Patricia O'Regan, Reimagining numeracy development for initial teacher education in technical subjects
Teresa Vilaça, Moisés Santos and Leopoldo Barreto, Environmental literacy in prospective science teachers in Angola and Brazil
[No papers were submitted for the restricted Proceedings, but the Book of Abstracts is available here.]
Lorraine Harbison, Maurice OReilly, Paul Grimes and Mary Kingston, Extending the agenda in primary mathematics pre-service teacher education: Preparing and equipping with competencies to lead
Rosanne Hebing, Embedding computational thinking in Dutch primary teacher education
Mairead Holden, Lesson study: A vehicle to support teacher agency
Kalina Jastrzębowska, Diving deep: The scientific method in the online elementary classroom
Elizabeth Oldham, Aibhín Bray, Melanie Ní Dhuinn and Jennifer Liston, An analysis of undergraduate mathematicians’ reactions and reflections about issues in mathematics education
Patricia O'Regan, Reimagining numeracy development for initial teacher education in technical subjects
Teresa Vilaça, Moisés Santos and Leopoldo Barreto, Environmental literacy in prospective science teachers in Angola and Brazil
[No papers were submitted for the restricted Proceedings, but the Book of Abstracts is available here.]
NOTE: Some conferences were postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The "2020" Annual Conference took place online in September 2021.
Rook Doggen, Laurinda Leite, Maria Helena Martinho, Elizabeth Oldham, Elsa Price and Floriano Viseu, Investigating prospective science and mathematics teachers’ meanings for and representations of functions: An international study
Sanna Erika Forsström,The role of teachers in students’ mathematics learning processes upon the integration of robots
Odd Tore Kaufman, Kristine Grinderud and Sanna Erika Forsström, Programming in mathematics education
Elizabeth Oldham and Mark Prendergast, Investigating prospective mathematics teachers’ meanings for and representations of functions: A study of pre-service teachers and of students of mathematics in an Irish university
Henrik Stigberg and Susanne Stigberg, Teaching programming and mathematics in practice: A case study from a Swedish elementary school
Milan Stojkovic, Vladana Mitic and Svetlana Djikic, Teaching of natural sciences and school development programme in primary schools in Serbia [poster]
Rook Doggen, Laurinda Leite, Maria Helena Martinho, Elizabeth Oldham, Elsa Price and Floriano Viseu, Investigating prospective science and mathematics teachers’ meanings for and representations of functions: An international study
Sanna Erika Forsström,The role of teachers in students’ mathematics learning processes upon the integration of robots
Odd Tore Kaufman, Kristine Grinderud and Sanna Erika Forsström, Programming in mathematics education
Elizabeth Oldham and Mark Prendergast, Investigating prospective mathematics teachers’ meanings for and representations of functions: A study of pre-service teachers and of students of mathematics in an Irish university
Henrik Stigberg and Susanne Stigberg, Teaching programming and mathematics in practice: A case study from a Swedish elementary school
Milan Stojkovic, Vladana Mitic and Svetlana Djikic, Teaching of natural sciences and school development programme in primary schools in Serbia [poster]
The academic programme included four plenary lecture sessions, four sets of parallel sessions (at which over 50 papers were presented and a workshop offered), a session devoted to the display of 19 posters, and a visit to the University of Minho's Institute of Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics. The Proceedings are available here.
The academic programme included four plenary lecture sessions, four sets of parallel sessions (at which over 50 papers were presented and a workshop offered), a session devoted to the display of 19 posters, and a visit to the University of Minho's Institute of Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics. The Proceedings are available here.
Charlotte Aksland, Teaching Science concepts by using multiple representations in primary science education
Aparecida de Fátima Andrade da Silva, Entrepreneurship Education: development of a new chemistry teacher profile
Patricia Kruit, Effects of explicit instruction on learning science skills in primary education
Laurinda Leite, Luís Dourado and Ana S. Afonso, Science teacher education in Portugal: is a sustainable future still possible?
Maria Helena Martinho, José António Fernandes and Floriano Viseu, Initial Mathematics teacher education in Portugal: shortcomings and challenges
Elizabeth Oldham, Megan Colhoun and Donal O’Donovan, The influence of an undergraduate module including classroom experience on perceptions of teaching and intention to take up teaching as a career: A study of prospective teachers of mathematics
Elsa C. Price, Innovation and sustainable changes in education to Identify and eliminate math anxiety
Milan Stojkovic,“Science is not a boogeyman” and “Recycling” - STEM school projects in the elementary and
secondary schools in Serbia and Germany [poster]
Charlotte Aksland, Teaching Science concepts by using multiple representations in primary science education
Aparecida de Fátima Andrade da Silva, Entrepreneurship Education: development of a new chemistry teacher profile
Patricia Kruit, Effects of explicit instruction on learning science skills in primary education
Laurinda Leite, Luís Dourado and Ana S. Afonso, Science teacher education in Portugal: is a sustainable future still possible?
Maria Helena Martinho, José António Fernandes and Floriano Viseu, Initial Mathematics teacher education in Portugal: shortcomings and challenges
Elizabeth Oldham, Megan Colhoun and Donal O’Donovan, The influence of an undergraduate module including classroom experience on perceptions of teaching and intention to take up teaching as a career: A study of prospective teachers of mathematics
Elsa C. Price, Innovation and sustainable changes in education to Identify and eliminate math anxiety
Milan Stojkovic,“Science is not a boogeyman” and “Recycling” - STEM school projects in the elementary and
secondary schools in Serbia and Germany [poster]
Milan Stojkovic,Teacher education and professional development of the teachers of natural sciences in Serbia and Germany
Milan Stojkovic,Teacher education and professional development of the teachers of natural sciences in Serbia and Germany
A. Ferry & L. Leite, Integration of digital technologies in science centres’ modelling-based exhibit sets: contribution for innovative science education
F. Viseu, A. Afonso, & L. Leite, L., Prospective elementary school teachers’ professional development through technology-based modelling
A. Ferry & L. Leite, Integration of digital technologies in science centres’ modelling-based exhibit sets: contribution for innovative science education
F. Viseu, A. Afonso, & L. Leite, L., Prospective elementary school teachers’ professional development through technology-based modelling
Batya Amit, Mathematical news and pedagogical innovations – an assimilation study
Aibhíin Bray, Elizabeth Oldham and Ciarán Bauer, Mathematics & science teaching in the contemporary classroom: Current perspectives and suggestions for professional development
Eddie Costello, Patsy Stafford and Elizabeth Oldham, Facilitating the development of prospective primary school teachers’ understanding of the concept of ratio through discussion
Barış Elbir, Robotics studies integration of secondary science laboratory practices as STEM
James Vincent Freemyer, Olivia Fitzmaurice and Patrick Johnson, Effective Mathematics teaching: Lessons learned from Ireland, the U.S., and the U.K.
Lorraine Harbison and Shauna McGill, A universal design for learning approach to frame the use of technology in primary mathematics education
Lorraine Harbison, AislingTwohill and Siún NicMhuirí, Associations of students self-reported efficacy beliefs towards mathematics education on completion of their first year in initial teacher education
Patrick Johnson, Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin, Mark Prendergast and Máire Ní Ríordáin, Pre-service mathematics teachers’ concerns relating to curricular reform – implications for initial teacher education programmes
Karl Oeyvind Jordell, Improving mathematics scores in PISA but creating a teacher shortage. Perverse effects of competing with Finland – a tale from Norway
Laurinda Leite, Sofia Morgado and Luís Dourado, Contextualized science teaching: do Portuguese curriculum guidelines promote it?
Arne Mogensen, Learning mathematics outside the classroom
Finn Daniel Raaen, What kind of science do professionals need?: Teacher education as a case
Floriano Augusto Veiga Viseu, José António Fernandes and Laurinda Leite, Prospective primary school teachers’ use of the
ratio and proportion concepts when solving a maps-based task
Richard Walsh, A case study of pedagogy of mathematics support tutors without a background in mathematics education
Ljubica Oparnica, Mia Maric and Maja Mihajlovic, Assessing metacognition and self-regulated learning in prospective mathematics teachers in Serbia
Malgorzata Zytko, The teacher educator and school teachers in the process of change – the case of Maths education in primary school in Poland
Batya Amit, Mathematical news and pedagogical innovations – an assimilation study
Aibhíin Bray, Elizabeth Oldham and Ciarán Bauer, Mathematics & science teaching in the contemporary classroom: Current perspectives and suggestions for professional development
Eddie Costello, Patsy Stafford and Elizabeth Oldham, Facilitating the development of prospective primary school teachers’ understanding of the concept of ratio through discussion
Barış Elbir, Robotics studies integration of secondary science laboratory practices as STEM
James Vincent Freemyer, Olivia Fitzmaurice and Patrick Johnson, Effective Mathematics teaching: Lessons learned from Ireland, the U.S., and the U.K.
Lorraine Harbison and Shauna McGill, A universal design for learning approach to frame the use of technology in primary mathematics education
Lorraine Harbison, AislingTwohill and Siún NicMhuirí, Associations of students self-reported efficacy beliefs towards mathematics education on completion of their first year in initial teacher education
Patrick Johnson, Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin, Mark Prendergast and Máire Ní Ríordáin, Pre-service mathematics teachers’ concerns relating to curricular reform – implications for initial teacher education programmes
Karl Oeyvind Jordell, Improving mathematics scores in PISA but creating a teacher shortage. Perverse effects of competing with Finland – a tale from Norway
Laurinda Leite, Sofia Morgado and Luís Dourado, Contextualized science teaching: do Portuguese curriculum guidelines promote it?
Arne Mogensen, Learning mathematics outside the classroom
Finn Daniel Raaen, What kind of science do professionals need?: Teacher education as a case
Floriano Augusto Veiga Viseu, José António Fernandes and Laurinda Leite, Prospective primary school teachers’ use of the
ratio and proportion concepts when solving a maps-based task
Richard Walsh, A case study of pedagogy of mathematics support tutors without a background in mathematics education
Ljubica Oparnica, Mia Maric and Maja Mihajlovic, Assessing metacognition and self-regulated learning in prospective mathematics teachers in Serbia
Malgorzata Zytko, The teacher educator and school teachers in the process of change – the case of Maths education in primary school in Poland
Batya Amit, Analysing reflections - detecting min-max points in the practice function
Ineta Helmane, Prospective teachers’ view of primary school pupils in Latvia [see Other publictions]
Laurinda Leite and Luis Dourado, Online science teacher education: the case of a master's programme [see Other publications]
Milan Stojkovic, "I, Robot” – Asimov’s vision of robots and robotics between science, science teaching and science fiction
Batya Amit, Analysing reflections - detecting min-max points in the practice function
Ineta Helmane, Prospective teachers’ view of primary school pupils in Latvia [see Other publictions]
Laurinda Leite and Luis Dourado, Online science teacher education: the case of a master's programme [see Other publications]
Milan Stojkovic, "I, Robot” – Asimov’s vision of robots and robotics between science, science teaching and science fiction
I. Ayvar, S. Kacar, E. Sezen, O.N. Kaya, Z. Kaya and R. Schwartz, Changes in Pre-service Science Teachers’ Views About Scientific Inquiry in An Effective Blended Learning Environment
M.A.R. Gijsel, J. Smit, A. Hotze and A. Bakker, Scaffolding primary teachers in designing language-oriented
inquiry-based science lessons [round-table discussion]
S. Kacar, I. Ayvar, O.N. Kaya and Z. Kaya, Types and Dimensions of Conflict and Emergent States in Intra-Teams
of Pre-service Science Teachers During Authentic Science Projects [presented via Skype]
S. Kacar, I. Ayvar, E. Sezen, O.N. Kaya and Z. Kaya, Impact of Blended Learning Environment on Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Views About New Aspects of Nature of Science: Features of Science and Family Resemblance Approach [presented via Skype]
S. Kacar, U. Ormanci, E. Ozcan and A.G. Balim, Examining Pre-service Science Teachers in Learning and Practicing Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy [accepted for presentation via Skype, but not presented as the Skype connection did not function]
Z. Kaya, O.N. Kaya, I. Ayvar, S. Kaçar and E. Sezen, Exploring Pre-service Science Teachers’ Experiences with Online Collaborative-Argumentative Writing Environment
L. Leite, L. Dourado and S. Morgado, Contextualized science teaching: do textbooks facilitate teachers’ job?
L. Leite, J. Fernandes, F. Viseu and M. Gea Serrano, Prospective primary school teachers’ knowledge of the ratio concept
E. E. Oldham, Balancing content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in educating the best mathematics teachers: an Irish case study
M. Stojkovic, Cosmochemistry as a Part of Chemistry Teaching in Primary Education [round-table discussion]
M. Stojkovic and L. Hobbs, Inter-disciplinary practical activities for the natural sciences: Using practical work to support big questions in science [workshop]
N. Vermeulen, J. Van Landeghem, K. D’Haeseleer and E. Sichien, A Framework for Natural Science Education [round-table discussion]
I. Ayvar, S. Kacar, E. Sezen, O.N. Kaya, Z. Kaya and R. Schwartz, Changes in Pre-service Science Teachers’ Views About Scientific Inquiry in An Effective Blended Learning Environment
M.A.R. Gijsel, J. Smit, A. Hotze and A. Bakker, Scaffolding primary teachers in designing language-oriented
inquiry-based science lessons [round-table discussion]
S. Kacar, I. Ayvar, O.N. Kaya and Z. Kaya, Types and Dimensions of Conflict and Emergent States in Intra-Teams
of Pre-service Science Teachers During Authentic Science Projects [presented via Skype]
S. Kacar, I. Ayvar, E. Sezen, O.N. Kaya and Z. Kaya, Impact of Blended Learning Environment on Pre-Service Science Teachers’ Views About New Aspects of Nature of Science: Features of Science and Family Resemblance Approach [presented via Skype]
S. Kacar, U. Ormanci, E. Ozcan and A.G. Balim, Examining Pre-service Science Teachers in Learning and Practicing Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy [accepted for presentation via Skype, but not presented as the Skype connection did not function]
Z. Kaya, O.N. Kaya, I. Ayvar, S. Kaçar and E. Sezen, Exploring Pre-service Science Teachers’ Experiences with Online Collaborative-Argumentative Writing Environment
L. Leite, L. Dourado and S. Morgado, Contextualized science teaching: do textbooks facilitate teachers’ job?
L. Leite, J. Fernandes, F. Viseu and M. Gea Serrano, Prospective primary school teachers’ knowledge of the ratio concept
E. E. Oldham, Balancing content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in educating the best mathematics teachers: an Irish case study
M. Stojkovic, Cosmochemistry as a Part of Chemistry Teaching in Primary Education [round-table discussion]
M. Stojkovic and L. Hobbs, Inter-disciplinary practical activities for the natural sciences: Using practical work to support big questions in science [workshop]
N. Vermeulen, J. Van Landeghem, K. D’Haeseleer and E. Sichien, A Framework for Natural Science Education [round-table discussion]
Batya Amit, Investigating representations of ratio among high-school mentors & teachers involved in mathematics teacher training in Israel: implications for teacher education
Lut De Jaegher, MovingMath!
Patricia Eaton, Christine Horn, Miriam Liston, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, Interconnected Contexts for (student) Teacher Education: An insight from a Study of Mathematical Identity
Andrew Gallacher, Children’s Mathematical Reasoning: Scottish Schools and the state of play
Sandra Jederud and Laila Niklasson, Collaboration between ITE students during practice - A possible future learning community
Tsu-Nan Lee, Using argumentative activities to assist Taiwanese primary teachers to teach mathematical reasoning
Laurinda Leite, Luís Dourado and Sofia Morgado, In-service science teacher education: an analysis of the diversity of courses available in the north of Portugal
Ari Myllyviita, "Three Partite Co-operation” Supporting Science Teacher Education
Elizabeth Oldham, Patsy Stafford and Valerie O'Dowd, Investigating Irish Prospective Primary Teachers’ Awareness of Applications of the Ratio Concept: Implications for Teacher Education
Elsa Price, Ratio Project continued: the Golden Ratio
Juhaina Awawdeh Shahbari, Amal Sharif-Rasslan and Shaker Rasslan, Limitations in mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge among first and second-grade in-service and pre-service mathematics teachers
Milan Stojkovic, Current teaching standards and norms for the natural sciences in Serbian primary and secondary schools
Milan Stojkovic, Science can be fun - Murphy`s Law and Humour in Natural Science [poster]
Xhevdet Thaqi, The meaning of Function in the mathematics textbooks
Bruce Waldrip and Vaughan Prain, Teacher and student multi-modal reasoning about representations to develop students’ conceptual understandings in science
Malgorzata Zytko, Math Bubble Project – teachers’ peer tutoring as a basis for changes on teaching elementary school mathematics in Poland
Batya Amit, Investigating representations of ratio among high-school mentors & teachers involved in mathematics teacher training in Israel: implications for teacher education
Lut De Jaegher, MovingMath!
Patricia Eaton, Christine Horn, Miriam Liston, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, Interconnected Contexts for (student) Teacher Education: An insight from a Study of Mathematical Identity
Andrew Gallacher, Children’s Mathematical Reasoning: Scottish Schools and the state of play
Sandra Jederud and Laila Niklasson, Collaboration between ITE students during practice - A possible future learning community
Tsu-Nan Lee, Using argumentative activities to assist Taiwanese primary teachers to teach mathematical reasoning
Laurinda Leite, Luís Dourado and Sofia Morgado, In-service science teacher education: an analysis of the diversity of courses available in the north of Portugal
Ari Myllyviita, "Three Partite Co-operation” Supporting Science Teacher Education
Elizabeth Oldham, Patsy Stafford and Valerie O'Dowd, Investigating Irish Prospective Primary Teachers’ Awareness of Applications of the Ratio Concept: Implications for Teacher Education
Elsa Price, Ratio Project continued: the Golden Ratio
Juhaina Awawdeh Shahbari, Amal Sharif-Rasslan and Shaker Rasslan, Limitations in mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge among first and second-grade in-service and pre-service mathematics teachers
Milan Stojkovic, Current teaching standards and norms for the natural sciences in Serbian primary and secondary schools
Milan Stojkovic, Science can be fun - Murphy`s Law and Humour in Natural Science [poster]
Xhevdet Thaqi, The meaning of Function in the mathematics textbooks
Bruce Waldrip and Vaughan Prain, Teacher and student multi-modal reasoning about representations to develop students’ conceptual understandings in science
Malgorzata Zytko, Math Bubble Project – teachers’ peer tutoring as a basis for changes on teaching elementary school mathematics in Poland
Ana Asti, Mathematics labs in teacher training
Heidi Regine Bergsager, A desire for learning! Norwegian high school students` motivation for learning about science and technology
Aparecida de Fátima Andrade da Silva, Mª Eunice Marcones and Mª Fátima Paixão, Teaching models and elementary school teachers' perspectives on teaching and learning science [poster]
Vanessa de Andrade, Mónica Baptista, Sofia Freire, Marta Almeida and Estela Costa, An initial teaching training: contributions to teacher knowledge and skills to implement inquiry activities in Science classroom
Donatella De Tommaso, Playing with mathematics can be the successful way to teach it
Patricia Eaton, Christine Horn, Miriam Liston, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, From learner to teacher: using reflection to develop mathematical teacher identity
Jesuína Fonseca, Carolina Carvalho, Joseph Conbo, Ana Paula Gama, Mª Odete Valente, Mª Helena Salema and Edite Fiuza, A teacher workshop for effective feedback
James Freemyer, Challenging teachers to embrace global competition: adapting our approach to mathematics education supported by research-based approaches
Laurinda Leite, Luís Dourado and Sofia Morgado, Science teacher education in Portugal: teacher educators’ thoughts on the effects of the Bologna process
Carla Matoso, Mónica Baptista and Ana Maria Freire, How collaboration between pre-service physics and chemistry teachers supports their pedagogical content knowledge development? _
Sara Moutinho, Joana Torres, Raquel Martins and Clara Vasconcelos, Prospective science teachers’ views of Problem-Based Learning [poster]
Elizabeth Oldham, Patsy Stafford and Valerie O'Dowd, Investigating representations of ratio among prospective primary teachers in Ireland: implications for teacher education
Mª Arminda Pedrosa and Patrícia João, Problem-Based Learning in school sciences and teacher professional development
Elsa C. Price, Ratio Project Continued
Maria Fernanda Resende and Maria Nazaré Coimbra, Laboratory activities and teaching-learning in physical-
chemical: implications for teacher education
Milan D. Stojković, Vocational and professional training of the teachers of natural sciences in Serbia between yesterday, today and tomorrow
Milan D. Stojković, "Back to the future": science fiction as a part of teaching contents of natural sciences - teaching idea from an ex-Yugoslav school [poster]
Xhevdet Thaqi and Joaquim Gimenez, Cultural characteristics in knowledge and explanation of the meaning of geometric transformation
Ana Asti, Mathematics labs in teacher training
Heidi Regine Bergsager, A desire for learning! Norwegian high school students` motivation for learning about science and technology
Aparecida de Fátima Andrade da Silva, Mª Eunice Marcones and Mª Fátima Paixão, Teaching models and elementary school teachers' perspectives on teaching and learning science [poster]
Vanessa de Andrade, Mónica Baptista, Sofia Freire, Marta Almeida and Estela Costa, An initial teaching training: contributions to teacher knowledge and skills to implement inquiry activities in Science classroom
Donatella De Tommaso, Playing with mathematics can be the successful way to teach it
Patricia Eaton, Christine Horn, Miriam Liston, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, From learner to teacher: using reflection to develop mathematical teacher identity
Jesuína Fonseca, Carolina Carvalho, Joseph Conbo, Ana Paula Gama, Mª Odete Valente, Mª Helena Salema and Edite Fiuza, A teacher workshop for effective feedback
James Freemyer, Challenging teachers to embrace global competition: adapting our approach to mathematics education supported by research-based approaches
Laurinda Leite, Luís Dourado and Sofia Morgado, Science teacher education in Portugal: teacher educators’ thoughts on the effects of the Bologna process
Carla Matoso, Mónica Baptista and Ana Maria Freire, How collaboration between pre-service physics and chemistry teachers supports their pedagogical content knowledge development? _
Sara Moutinho, Joana Torres, Raquel Martins and Clara Vasconcelos, Prospective science teachers’ views of Problem-Based Learning [poster]
Elizabeth Oldham, Patsy Stafford and Valerie O'Dowd, Investigating representations of ratio among prospective primary teachers in Ireland: implications for teacher education
Mª Arminda Pedrosa and Patrícia João, Problem-Based Learning in school sciences and teacher professional development
Elsa C. Price, Ratio Project Continued
Maria Fernanda Resende and Maria Nazaré Coimbra, Laboratory activities and teaching-learning in physical-
chemical: implications for teacher education
Milan D. Stojković, Vocational and professional training of the teachers of natural sciences in Serbia between yesterday, today and tomorrow
Milan D. Stojković, "Back to the future": science fiction as a part of teaching contents of natural sciences - teaching idea from an ex-Yugoslav school [poster]
Xhevdet Thaqi and Joaquim Gimenez, Cultural characteristics in knowledge and explanation of the meaning of geometric transformation
Hilde W. Afdal and Gerd Johansen, Knowledge structures and tensions in science curricula - the cases of Norwegian secondary school and teacher education
Batya Amit, Drawing the lines for many tomorrows - updating and refreshing directions of mathematics lessons
Patricia Eaton, Christine Horn, Miriam Liston, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, Developing an instrument to explore mathematical identity: A study of students from several third level institutions in Ireland
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dourado, Sofia Morgado, Manuela Vale and Carla Madureira, Learning about safety, prevention and quality of life through PBL: Implications for teacher education
Laurinda Leite, José A. Fernandes and Diana Jesus, Portuguese prospective elementary school teachers' understanding of ratio
Elizabeth Oldham and Aoibhinn Ní Shuilleabhain, Investigating representations of ratio among prospective mathematics teachers: a study of student-teachers and students of mathematics in an Irish university
Elsa Price, Teachers' use of ratio
Batya Amit, Drawing the lines for many tomorrows - updating and refreshing directions of mathematics lessons
Patricia Eaton, Christine Horn, Miriam Liston, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, Developing an instrument to explore mathematical identity: A study of students from several third level institutions in Ireland
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dourado, Sofia Morgado, Manuela Vale and Carla Madureira, Learning about safety, prevention and quality of life through PBL: Implications for teacher education
Laurinda Leite, José A. Fernandes and Diana Jesus, Portuguese prospective elementary school teachers' understanding of ratio
Elizabeth Oldham and Aoibhinn Ní Shuilleabhain, Investigating representations of ratio among prospective mathematics teachers: a study of student-teachers and students of mathematics in an Irish university
Elsa Price, Teachers' use of ratio
Didem Akyüz, Practices of an Expert Mathematics Teacher in Small Groups
Heidi Regine Bergsager and Camilla Blikstad Halstvedt, The Desire of Learning: How to Motivate Students to Learn
More About Science and Technology
Sarah Berenson, Elizabeth Oldham, Elsa Price and Laurinda Leite, Investigating Representations of Ratio among Prospective Mathematics and Science Teachers: an International Study [Note: the paper in the Proceedings was incorrectly formatted; for a correct version, click here.]
Theodora De Baz, Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Enhance Learning from Laboratory Investigations in Eighth-Grade Science
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dourado and Sofia Morgado, Evaluation of an In-service Short Course Targeted to Science and Geography School Teachers
Elsa Price, Responses to a Specific Mathematics Survey Comparing Science Majors and Non-Majors
Heidi Regine Bergsager and Camilla Blikstad Halstvedt, The Desire of Learning: How to Motivate Students to Learn
More About Science and Technology
Sarah Berenson, Elizabeth Oldham, Elsa Price and Laurinda Leite, Investigating Representations of Ratio among Prospective Mathematics and Science Teachers: an International Study [Note: the paper in the Proceedings was incorrectly formatted; for a correct version, click here.]
Theodora De Baz, Using the Science Writing Heuristic to Enhance Learning from Laboratory Investigations in Eighth-Grade Science
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dourado and Sofia Morgado, Evaluation of an In-service Short Course Targeted to Science and Geography School Teachers
Elsa Price, Responses to a Specific Mathematics Survey Comparing Science Majors and Non-Majors
Sarah Berenson, Improving Teacher Practice with Action Learning
Ann Devitt, Elizabeth Oldham and Marita Kerin, Beginning a Career of Learning about Learning: a Case Study of Student Teachers in an Initial Teacher Education Programme in Ireland
Patricia Eaton, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, Nature and Nurture: an Analysis of Mathematical Identity of Distinct Cohorts of Prospective Teachers
Liene Kvedere, Comparisons of Students' Views on Mathematics and Mathematicians as Expressed in Drawings and Open-Ended Question Responses
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dorado and Sofia Morgado, Sustainability on Earth WebQuests as Problem-Solving Activities: Can Physical Sciences Teachers Rely on Them?
Muhammet Ozden and Serif Yasar, Citizenship Education through Science and Technology Course: Prospective Teachers' Views and Their Competencies
Elsa Price, One Professor's Use of Four Specific Critical Thinking Skills
Elsa Price, Teachers' Life-Cycles from Initial Teacher Education to Experienced Professional: Trials and Tribulations of Three Students from Novice Students to Professional Educators
Teresa Vilaça, Portuguese Science Textbooks' Questioning on Transmission of Life and its Contribution to Problem-Based Learning
Sarah Berenson, Improving Teacher Practice with Action Learning
Ann Devitt, Elizabeth Oldham and Marita Kerin, Beginning a Career of Learning about Learning: a Case Study of Student Teachers in an Initial Teacher Education Programme in Ireland
Patricia Eaton, Elizabeth Oldham and Maurice OReilly, Nature and Nurture: an Analysis of Mathematical Identity of Distinct Cohorts of Prospective Teachers
Liene Kvedere, Comparisons of Students' Views on Mathematics and Mathematicians as Expressed in Drawings and Open-Ended Question Responses
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dorado and Sofia Morgado, Sustainability on Earth WebQuests as Problem-Solving Activities: Can Physical Sciences Teachers Rely on Them?
Muhammet Ozden and Serif Yasar, Citizenship Education through Science and Technology Course: Prospective Teachers' Views and Their Competencies
Elsa Price, One Professor's Use of Four Specific Critical Thinking Skills
Elsa Price, Teachers' Life-Cycles from Initial Teacher Education to Experienced Professional: Trials and Tribulations of Three Students from Novice Students to Professional Educators
Teresa Vilaça, Portuguese Science Textbooks' Questioning on Transmission of Life and its Contribution to Problem-Based Learning
Maja Cindric and Irena Mišurac Zurica, Concept of Division – From Intuitive Models to Division of Fractions [Note: omitted in error from the 2010 proceedings and included in the 2011 Proceedings]
Patricia Eaton and Maurice OReilly, What is Mathematics and why do We Study it? The Views of Student Teachers
[Note: omitted in error from the 2010 proceedings and included in the 2011 Proceedings]
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dourado and Esmeralda Esteves, Relationships between Students' Reactions towards Problem-Based Learning and their Learning Styles: Implications for Science Teaching and Teacher Education
Elizabeth Oldham, Balancing Support, Challenge and Responsibility in Professional Development: the Views and Experiences of Participants in a Mathematics Curriculum Innovation Project in the Republic of Ireland
Elsa Price, Meeting the Challenge of How to Teach Critical Thinking Skills
Maria Rosas-Bravo, Gema Martinez-Flores, Maria de los Angeles Diaz-Rodriguez, Francisco J. D. Martinez-Sanchez and Enrique Gonzales-Vergara, An Intelligent Immersion Classroom-Lab for the Sciences: Design, Construction and Teacher Training
Piedade Vaz-Rebelo, P. Fernandez, J. Morgado, J. Otero and H. Caldeira, Writing Challenging Science Texts: Pedagogical Implications from Research about Students' Question Generation
Maja Cindric and Irena Mišurac Zurica, Concept of Division – From Intuitive Models to Division of Fractions [Note: omitted in error from the 2010 proceedings and included in the 2011 Proceedings]
Patricia Eaton and Maurice OReilly, What is Mathematics and why do We Study it? The Views of Student Teachers
[Note: omitted in error from the 2010 proceedings and included in the 2011 Proceedings]
Laurinda Leite, Luis Dourado and Esmeralda Esteves, Relationships between Students' Reactions towards Problem-Based Learning and their Learning Styles: Implications for Science Teaching and Teacher Education
Elizabeth Oldham, Balancing Support, Challenge and Responsibility in Professional Development: the Views and Experiences of Participants in a Mathematics Curriculum Innovation Project in the Republic of Ireland
Elsa Price, Meeting the Challenge of How to Teach Critical Thinking Skills
Maria Rosas-Bravo, Gema Martinez-Flores, Maria de los Angeles Diaz-Rodriguez, Francisco J. D. Martinez-Sanchez and Enrique Gonzales-Vergara, An Intelligent Immersion Classroom-Lab for the Sciences: Design, Construction and Teacher Training
Piedade Vaz-Rebelo, P. Fernandez, J. Morgado, J. Otero and H. Caldeira, Writing Challenging Science Texts: Pedagogical Implications from Research about Students' Question Generation
V. Bundhoo and A. Bholoa, Developing Effective Knowledge Criterion in Mathematics
V. Bundhoo and A. Bholoa, Knowledge Creativity in Mathematics [Workshop]
Theodora De Baz, The Effect of Controversial Issues Discussions on Enhancing Student Teachers' Critical Thinking Abilities
Patricia Eaton and Maurice OReilly, What Other People Think and Why It Matters? An Investigation of Key Influences on Mathematical Identity
Gwen Ineson, Mental Mathematics Competence: An Indication of "Connected" Mathematical Thinking among Trainee Teachers?
Gwen McAlpine, Cherry Steffen and Mark Warner, Inventive Thinking: Science Inquiry through Language Arts [Workshop]
Elsa Price, Knowledge Creativity in Teacher Education: Using Critical Thinking Skills in the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers
Teresa Vilaça and Bjarne Bruun Jensen, Applying the S-IVAC Methodology in Schools to Explore Students' Creativity to Solve Sexual Health Problems [presented in a parallel session of the RDC "Culture, Language and Citizenship"]
Mark Warner and Gwen McAlpine, Inventive Thinking: Science Experiments with Language Arts
V. Bundhoo and A. Bholoa, Knowledge Creativity in Mathematics [Workshop]
Theodora De Baz, The Effect of Controversial Issues Discussions on Enhancing Student Teachers' Critical Thinking Abilities
Patricia Eaton and Maurice OReilly, What Other People Think and Why It Matters? An Investigation of Key Influences on Mathematical Identity
Gwen Ineson, Mental Mathematics Competence: An Indication of "Connected" Mathematical Thinking among Trainee Teachers?
Gwen McAlpine, Cherry Steffen and Mark Warner, Inventive Thinking: Science Inquiry through Language Arts [Workshop]
Elsa Price, Knowledge Creativity in Teacher Education: Using Critical Thinking Skills in the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers
Teresa Vilaça and Bjarne Bruun Jensen, Applying the S-IVAC Methodology in Schools to Explore Students' Creativity to Solve Sexual Health Problems [presented in a parallel session of the RDC "Culture, Language and Citizenship"]
Mark Warner and Gwen McAlpine, Inventive Thinking: Science Experiments with Language Arts
P. Fernandes, J. Otero, H. Caldeira, V. SanJosé and P. Vaz-Rebelo, Why Do Students Ask Questions when Reading Scientific Texts? Goals, Texts and Contexts
Temisan Ige, Teaching Science in Multicultural Classrooms: How do Teachers Detect and Correct Misconceptions in Science
Laurinda Leite, Interculturality in Portuguese Junior High School Textbooks [presented in a conference theme parallel session]
Elizabeth Oldham and Ruth Forrest, Divide and Conquer? Add and Subtract? Approaches to Strengthening the Mathematical Content Knowledge of Teacher Education Students for Primary Schools in Ireland
Elsa Price and Maryann Ehle, Facing the Intercultural Dialogue by using Humour in the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers
Cláudia Rodrigues and José Precioso, Evaluating Evaluation: a Study Carried Out on 6th Grade Natural Sciences’ Written Tests
Sirje Sisask and Kaja Oras, The Educational Role of the Museum in Teaching Sciences
Kari Sormunen and Katri Aaltonen, 'Walking beside' Student Teachers when Explicating their Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Hendrik Van Steenbrugge, Mathematical Learning Difficulties in Primary Education
Teresa Vilaça, Action-oriented Health Education: A Didactic Approach to the Development of Intercultural Competencies while Encouraging Youthful Dialogue between Cultures [presented in a conference theme parallel session]
Conceição Vilela and Ana Freire, Beginning Teachers' Plans and Curricular Materials: Are They Adopting National Science Curricular Orientations?
Conceição Vilela and Ana Freire, Student Teachers Learning through Collaboration and Reflection
P. Fernandes, J. Otero, H. Caldeira, V. SanJosé and P. Vaz-Rebelo, Why Do Students Ask Questions when Reading Scientific Texts? Goals, Texts and Contexts
Temisan Ige, Teaching Science in Multicultural Classrooms: How do Teachers Detect and Correct Misconceptions in Science
Laurinda Leite, Interculturality in Portuguese Junior High School Textbooks [presented in a conference theme parallel session]
Elizabeth Oldham and Ruth Forrest, Divide and Conquer? Add and Subtract? Approaches to Strengthening the Mathematical Content Knowledge of Teacher Education Students for Primary Schools in Ireland
Elsa Price and Maryann Ehle, Facing the Intercultural Dialogue by using Humour in the Training of Mathematics and Science Teachers
Cláudia Rodrigues and José Precioso, Evaluating Evaluation: a Study Carried Out on 6th Grade Natural Sciences’ Written Tests
Sirje Sisask and Kaja Oras, The Educational Role of the Museum in Teaching Sciences
Kari Sormunen and Katri Aaltonen, 'Walking beside' Student Teachers when Explicating their Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Hendrik Van Steenbrugge, Mathematical Learning Difficulties in Primary Education
Teresa Vilaça, Action-oriented Health Education: A Didactic Approach to the Development of Intercultural Competencies while Encouraging Youthful Dialogue between Cultures [presented in a conference theme parallel session]
Conceição Vilela and Ana Freire, Beginning Teachers' Plans and Curricular Materials: Are They Adopting National Science Curricular Orientations?
Conceição Vilela and Ana Freire, Student Teachers Learning through Collaboration and Reflection
And from the last century, to include the work of some of the members prominent in earlier years...
Of the twenty one papers given, three (marked with asterisks) were included in the - hard-copy - Proceedings.
Brian Arnold, Margaret Gooday, Mary Simpson and Graham Wilkinson, The Constructivist Theory of Learning: the Application and Effects within a BEd Primary Initial Teacher Education Course
Sarah B. Berenson, Ton van der Valk, Elizabeth Oldham, Ulla Runesson, Cândida Queiros Moreira and Maria Graca Alves, International Partnerships to Formulate a Model of Pre-Service Teachers' knowledge of Teaching
Maria L. Blanton, Sarah B. Berenson and Ulla Runesson, Using Preservice Teachers' Lesson Plans to Understand their Ideas of Teaching
C. Bowles, Training to Teach Science, a Comparative Study in England / Wales and France
Fred G. Brinkman and Lisette van Rens, Student Teachers and their Educational Research Project
Tom Bryce, Towards the Achievement of "Scientific Capability"
H. C. Helmut Dahncke, Outline and Results of the Study "Learning Physics and Competence to Act"
Maria de Conceição Duarte and Laurinda Leite, Textbooks and Research in Science Education: An Analysis Focusing on Students' Prior Knowledge
Laurinda Leite and Maria de Conceição Duarte, Datalogging in Portuguese Science Education
*Onno de Jong, Dutch Preservice Chemistry Teachers' Ideas about Teaching "Combustion and Heating"
Jindra Lisalovà and Pavla Dundrovà, Comparative Study of Physics Education in Germany and The Czech Republic
Cândida Queiros Moreira, Mathematics Without Frontiers
António J. Neto and Maria Odete Valente, Content and Process in Physics Education: A Synergetic Metacognitively Developed Field Contribution
Bart Nool and Ton van der Valk, Developing a Problem Posing Science Teacher Education Course
Elizabeth Oldham, Angela Evans and María Elena Olaya, Pre-service Teachers' Ideas about Teaching: An Irish Perspective
*Elizabeth Oldham, Encountering Mathematical Thinking: Reactions and Reflections of a Group of Student-Teachers
Makhmoud Sakhalla, Teacher College Student's Postgraduate Negative Changes of Ostensibly Learned Educational Objectives in Science Education: Erosion or Simply a Shedding of Unwanted Values
José Luís Coelho da Silva and Maria de Conceição Duarte, Datalogging as a Means to Promote Student's Conceptual Change on Photosynthesis
Sheila Turner and Tony Turner, The Interview Experience; What Did You Expect?
*Ton van der Valk and Harrie Broekman, Dutch Pre- service Teachers' Ideas on Teaching Mathematics
Mike Watts and Steve Alsop, A Study in the Affective Domain: Student-Teachers' Learning about Radiation and Radioactivity
Of the twenty one papers given, three (marked with asterisks) were included in the - hard-copy - Proceedings.
Brian Arnold, Margaret Gooday, Mary Simpson and Graham Wilkinson, The Constructivist Theory of Learning: the Application and Effects within a BEd Primary Initial Teacher Education Course
Sarah B. Berenson, Ton van der Valk, Elizabeth Oldham, Ulla Runesson, Cândida Queiros Moreira and Maria Graca Alves, International Partnerships to Formulate a Model of Pre-Service Teachers' knowledge of Teaching
Maria L. Blanton, Sarah B. Berenson and Ulla Runesson, Using Preservice Teachers' Lesson Plans to Understand their Ideas of Teaching
C. Bowles, Training to Teach Science, a Comparative Study in England / Wales and France
Fred G. Brinkman and Lisette van Rens, Student Teachers and their Educational Research Project
Tom Bryce, Towards the Achievement of "Scientific Capability"
H. C. Helmut Dahncke, Outline and Results of the Study "Learning Physics and Competence to Act"
Maria de Conceição Duarte and Laurinda Leite, Textbooks and Research in Science Education: An Analysis Focusing on Students' Prior Knowledge
Laurinda Leite and Maria de Conceição Duarte, Datalogging in Portuguese Science Education
*Onno de Jong, Dutch Preservice Chemistry Teachers' Ideas about Teaching "Combustion and Heating"
Jindra Lisalovà and Pavla Dundrovà, Comparative Study of Physics Education in Germany and The Czech Republic
Cândida Queiros Moreira, Mathematics Without Frontiers
António J. Neto and Maria Odete Valente, Content and Process in Physics Education: A Synergetic Metacognitively Developed Field Contribution
Bart Nool and Ton van der Valk, Developing a Problem Posing Science Teacher Education Course
Elizabeth Oldham, Angela Evans and María Elena Olaya, Pre-service Teachers' Ideas about Teaching: An Irish Perspective
*Elizabeth Oldham, Encountering Mathematical Thinking: Reactions and Reflections of a Group of Student-Teachers
Makhmoud Sakhalla, Teacher College Student's Postgraduate Negative Changes of Ostensibly Learned Educational Objectives in Science Education: Erosion or Simply a Shedding of Unwanted Values
José Luís Coelho da Silva and Maria de Conceição Duarte, Datalogging as a Means to Promote Student's Conceptual Change on Photosynthesis
Sheila Turner and Tony Turner, The Interview Experience; What Did You Expect?
*Ton van der Valk and Harrie Broekman, Dutch Pre- service Teachers' Ideas on Teaching Mathematics
Mike Watts and Steve Alsop, A Study in the Affective Domain: Student-Teachers' Learning about Radiation and Radioactivity